Dermal Rejuvenation
Skin Wellness in Cellular Health, also known as the magic wand. This is an amazing results driven treatment. A unique alternative to chemical peels that redefines how we treat age-damaged skin. SWiCH™ energizes skin cells quickly to regenerate and restore the skin providing a firmer, brighter, tighter appearance without injury to the skin versus a chemical peel which means no damage no downtime. Reverse the signs of aging today and SWiCH™ on your skin’s ability to heal itself from the inside out. This treatment is only offered as a Series of 6 treatments 2 weeks apart. It will only be administered with purchase of a simple homecare system which helps boost the results. Best for aging, mature, hyperpigmentation, clients must be over the age of 37. No down time.
1 SWiCH™ Treatment • 1 Enzyme Treatment • Home Care System: $485
Series Bundle:
3 SWiCH™ Treatments • 3 Enzyme Treatments • Home Care System: $899